Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Black Week

wat can i say...last week is just horrible... or is it karma taking place~......
NooOOoOoooOOoOo~~~ but..but... i did nothing.... i dont deserve this~~~ T_T
since last week i've been living in proverty cos my dad had stopped giving me pocket $$ -_-" and then came.. meeting up with LB and gangs for the movies...dont noe y... after i got home i realised my legs were being biten by some sort of bugs.. dont noe wat's tat.. but definitely not mosquitos lor... (i noe u guys always say my house got lots of mosquitos....)cos the swollen patchs were really big... some were even bigger than 50cent coins T-T...

then this on monday morning.. my face was in an horrible state... and i tot the world is coming to an end...overslept also can get sun burnt~! My God.. nvr in my life have i encountered pple getting sun burnt for sleeping too late into the afternoon... and i just slept until 12pm lor...

then just yesterday night i realise that it might tat i'm allergic to some food tat i had taken on sunday ... but these sort of rashes nvr happen to me before~ >.< sob sob

Sigh~~~~ T-T hopefully i will recover from it real soon... currently i dont even dare to walk out of the house... *shake head*

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